News Stories

Archive: 2013
  • December

    USACE civilians introduced to Army life

    FORT LEONARD WOOD, Mo. -- The United States Army Corps of Engineers conducted their annual Leadership Development Program training recently, using various ranges and training areas throughout Fort Leonard Wood. This program was developed by USACE to give their civilian employees an introduction to Army culture as well as leadership training, but it actually goes further than that, it also gives them a better understanding of the importance of their jobs and just where they fit into the big picture.
  • Corps hosts meeting with the Delaware Nation

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Baltimore District hosted its first ever face-to-face meeting with a federally recognized Native American tribe on Dec. 4 at the district's headquarters in Baltimore. USACE met with the Delaware Nation, one of the country's longest standing Native American Tribes, to discuss a Corps project that could potentially impact what were historically tribal lands.
  • Corps promotes engineering skills at local schools

    "It's the future," said Steve Grabowski, an Anchorage School District teacher, about the importance of exposing science, technology, engineering and mathematics education to elementary students. Members of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers -- Alaska District visited three of Grabowski's fifth and sixth grade classes between Nov.18 and 22 at Mount Spurr, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor elementary schools on Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson.
  • USACE teaches ‘common understanding’ in Risk Communication Course

    WIESBADEN, Germany – More than 20 project and program managers from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Europe District learned about public involvement and strategies for overcoming such challenges during a four-day Risk Communication Course. It’s designed to strengthen stakeholder relationships, bonds and rapport while striving toward transparency, awareness and partnership.
  • USACE teaches ‘common understanding’ in Risk Communication Course

    More than 20 project and program managers from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Europe District learned about public involvement and strategies for overcoming such challenges during a four-day Risk Communication Course.
  • Corps awards $900,000 dredging contract to Miss. company

    The Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers awarded a $991,500 contract to a Cleveland, Miss.- based company to dredge the Tangier Island, Va. federal navigation channel.
  • Small communities feel benefit of Corps' CAP 205 program

    Each year, regions across the country face the negative impacts of strong storms and subsequent
  • Careers don’t always STEM from childhood dreams

    On sunny days, Kristen Donofrio’s long strides carry her toward her beloved sport bike. The biologist reaches the parking spot and swings a leg over her cobalt blue motorcycle, slides a slick, made-for-speed helmet over her dark brown bob, and turns the engine over. Her pianist fingers play over the bike’s grips, and she launches herself into Norfolk’s afternoon traffic. On the ride home, shorelines and wetlands churning with life blur past her – ecosystems that, as a biologist, she is committed to saving.
  • Corps nears completion of PL 84-99 rehabilitation work

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, in coordination with the Luzerne County Flood Authority, conducted
  • Comprehensive Study advances into second of three phases

    The congressional response to Hurricane Sandy included legislation for a comprehensive study to identify regional, systemic vulnerability of populations at risk along the north Atlantic coast; that study is now transitioning into Phase 2.
  • New York District honors employee excellence at Holiday Townhall celebration

    On December 12, 2013 the New York District conducted its annual Holiday Town Hall Meeting hosted by
  • Lincoln-era history comes back to life

    The upgrades to Grant Hall, also known as Building 20, were as normal as a renovation to a 10,000 square foot facility can go, according to the Eli Hirsch, the Corps' project manager. But the documented stories about strange occurrences in the building are anything but normal.
  • Corps of Engineers promotes long-term dam safety by identifying problems, engineering solutions

    SUMMERSVILLE, W.Va.-- One of the most important missions the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers carries out is reducing the risk of flooding. The Summersville Dam here, the second largest earthen dam east of the Mississippi River, is designed to do just that by holding back water during heavy rain events.
  • Lincoln-era history comes back to life

    WASHINGTON, D.C. - History lives again.How would you like stand in the very courtroom where the
  • Building stronger communities through mentorship, advocacy and disaster relief

    From sensitive Santa and whitewater rafting to football and post-disaster relief work, the employees
  • Corps hosts first face-to-face meeting with the Delaware Nation

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Baltimore District hosted its first ever face-to-face meeting with a federally recognized Native American tribe on Dec. 4 at the City Crescent Building.
  • Far East District commander given honorary Korean name

    The Republic of Korea -U.S. Alliance Friendship Association presented Col. Bryan S. Green, commander and district engineer, of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Far East District, with a Korean name at a ceremony at the Korea Ministry of National Defense club Dec. 3. Green was conferred the name Pak Geon-taek, a name with very symbolic meaning and significance, according to Suh Jin-sup, association chairman.
  • Whole Neighborhood Revitalization project 'right sizes' and upgrades 84 Wiesbaden apartments

    WIESBADEN, Germany - When the $12 million Whole Neighborhood Revitalization project in Wiesbaden's Aukamm Housing wraps up early next year, 84 "right-sized" apartment units will be available to incoming families. Quality-of-life enhancements include new kitchens, flooring, appliances, various other features and expansion to meet the Army standard for space allocation to military families.
  • New MOU allows Tulsa Corps STEM outreach to Langston University

    TULSA, Okla. - Representatives from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Tulsa District recently spoke to students of Langston University in Langston, Okla. about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) internship and career opportunities at the Corps.
  • Army Engineers fought and lived through the attack on Pearl Harbor

    FORT SHAFTER, Hawaii -- Seven December 1941 was the opening scene of World War II, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was there. At 7:55 a.m., two waves of Japanese warplanes from a naval task force about 250 miles north of Hawaii appeared over Oahu. Some headed for American warships at Pearl Harbor and the planes on the ground at nearby Hickam Field; others hit Schofield Barracks, Wheeler Field, and Bellows Field.
  • Employees bring Christmas magic to area children for 20 years

    Waking up before the sun rises, running to the Christmas tree to discover all of the presents from
  • Corps partners with local brigade to expand training opportunities for Soldiers

    With every nugget of engineering expertise his mentors share with him, Sgt. 1st Class Ron Albert's confidence grows as he performs his temporary duties with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers -- Alaska District. Through a partnership between the district and 2nd Engineer Brigade, both located on Joint Base Elmendorf -- Richardson, the Engineer Corps is preparing a stronger Soldier and Army through the Arctic Trailblazer Internship Program.
  • Engineering the future, in 500 words or less

    WIESBADEN, Germany -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Europe District challenged Wiesbaden Middle School students to explain, in 500 words or less, why they are interested in pursuing science, technology, engineering and math careers. The winners -- Pete Greig, Chuck Oliver and Isabella Lee -- representing the sixth, seventh and eighth grades, respectively, were selected from a pool of 80 contest entrants by Department of Defense Dependents Schools officials.
  • Final 2013 FNOD Restoration Advisory Board meets Dec. 5

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will host its final 2013 quarterly meeting of the Former Nansemond Ordnance Depot Restoration Advisory Board Dec. 5.
  • USACE participates in the Society of American Military Engineers Small Business Conference

    Dor the 4th year in a row, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers exceeded its small business goal. The tremendous success in contracting with small businesses is significantly attributable to transparent communication and training offered to small businesses across the Nation. USACE maintains an open door for meetings/counseling/training small business firms throughout the year.
  • November

    BOEM, NASA and Corps team up to protect coastal launch assets

    The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management announces an agreement with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Norfolk District, authorizing the dredging of up to one million cubic yards of sand from the outer continental shelf to restore the shoreline at NASA's Wallops Island Flight Facility in Virginia.
  • Huntsville Center's Electronic Security System team helping Fort McCoy upgrade security measures

    Fort McCoy, Wis., is an Installation Management Command installation, funded through the U.S. Army Reserve Command, which supports training and mobilization of Reserve and active component military personnel from all branches of America's Armed Forces. For the past three years, Fort McCoy's Directorate of Emergency Services has been working with the U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville's Electronic Security Systems Program to upgrade its police station, access control points, ammunition supply point, the airfield and other facilities on the installation.
  • U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville programs support Air Force medical mission

    A team of a seven people from the Air Force Medical Support Agency visited U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville Nov. 13-14 to meet with representatives from the Center's Installation and Support and Programs Management Directorate. Over the two days, the AFMSA's personnel met with representatives from ISPM's Operation and Maintenance Engineering Enhancement and Medical Repair and Renewal programs.
  • Far East District engineers share their experiences with JROTC cadets

    A team of military and civilian engineers from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Far East District set upon Seoul American High School Nov. 21 and 22 to tell Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps cadets all about what life is like as an engineer.
  • Middle East District constructs Naval Support Activity Bahrain Flyover Bridge

    WINCHESTER, Va.- Imagine driving a 20-minute detour just to reach the other side of a road. Personnel at the Naval Support Activity located in Manama, the capital city of Bahrain face this on a daily basis when traveling between Naval Support Activity 1 and Naval Support Activity 2. The two areas are divided by a busy roadway.