North Atlantic Division

Office of Contracting

A graphic of the Northeastern United States from Virginia to Maine, as well as Germany. It reads "our six district offices are located in concord, ma; new york city; philadelphia, baltimore, norfolk, va; and wiesbaden, germany"

The North Atlantic Division includes six District Contracting Offices. Among these contracting offices, the Division contracts for a variety of construction, engineering services, other services, and supplies to include:

CONSTRUCTION: Building renovations, barracks, dining facilities, maintenance shops, hangers, hospitals, airfields, roads, levees and seawall repair, bridge repair, rehabilitation of dams, beach renourishment, and dredging.

ENGINEERING SERVICES: Concept studies, master planning, site investigations, feasibility studies, surveying and mapping, geotechnical engineering studies, value engineering, and engineering designs to support construction.

OTHER SERVICES: Landscaping, janitorial, recreational parks operations and maintenance support services, environmental remediation, equipment repair and maintenance, and sampling and lab analysis.

SUPPLIES: Generators, turbines, cranes, boats, heating and air conditioning equipment, pre-fabricated trailers, electronic gear, repair parts, computers and peripheral equipment, and publications.


SAM Registration

It is MANDATORY that all vendors are registered on the System for Award Management (SAM) website in order to receive contracts. SAM is an official website of the U.S. government. Reference the registration guidance on the Doing Business with Us website.

Army Contract Writing System

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is transitioning during Fiscal Year 2025 to a new contract writing system – the Army Contract Writing System (ACWS). There is no impact to existing or prospective contractors as a result of this transition. Existing contractors may notice that the format of modifications will be slightly different. Prospective contractors may similarly notice that the format of solicitations and awards may differ slightly from prior versions.

More events coming soon.

A Department of Defense Activity Address Code (DoDAAC) can be used as a search keyword for contract opportunities on The office codes for the North Atlantic Division’s Districts are:

W912DR = Baltimore District (NAB)

W912GB = Europe District (NAU)

W912WJ = New England District (NAE)

W912DS = New York District (NAN)

W91236 = Norfolk District (NAO)

W912BU = Philadelphia District (NAP)