Crews dismantle a reactor facility.

Radiological Health Physics

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Expand List item 3393Collapse List item 3393  Who We Are

The Radiological Health Physics (HP) Regional Center of Expertise (RCX) is based out of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District. The District’s highly trained and experienced team of health physicists provides radiation safety and technical support to the Corps of Engineers and other Federal agencies across the United States and overseas for projects involving all aspects of radiological work.

The Baltimore District’s Health Physics team has served the Corps of Engineers for more than 20 years and was officially recognized as a regional center of expertise by the Corps’ North Atlantic Division in 2011. The team uses both in-house expertise and contracting resources to serve a wide range of clients, including, but not limited to, multiple regions of the EPA, U.S. Central Command, Army Central Command, Joint Munitions Command, Developmental Test Command, Installation Management Command and many Army Corps of Engineers Districts.

Expand List item 3394Collapse List item 3394  What We Do

The center of expertise provides coordination, oversight, and consultation for investigation and decommissioning work. This includes:

· Radiation Surveys and Site Investigation

    o    Design, oversee, and/or perform surveys during all phases of site investigation and restoration

    o    MARSSIM Surveys to support release

    o    Army certified radioactive waste transportation and disposal

    o    Review and identify cost efficient alternative options for disposal

    o    Profiling, packaging, and transporting


· Radiation Risk/Dose Modeling

    o    RESRAD Family of Codes

    o    MicroShield

    o    RadDecay

· Nuclear Reactor and Nuclear Regulatory Commission Licensed site decommissioning

· Expert knowledge of EPA, NRC, DOT, DOE, DOD, OSHA, Interstate Compacts and State regulations/guidance as they apply to working with radioactive materials

· Environmental monitoring design and implementation to demonstrate compliance with licenses and/or permits

· Radiation Protection Training

· Audits of USACE licensees/ARA holders

· Additional Items

    o    Analytical labs/methods

    o    Statistical evaluation of data

    o    UFP-QAPP

    o    In-house instrumentation and equipment

Expand List item 3395Collapse List item 3395  Contracting Services

The regional center of expertise uses established Multiple Award Services Contracts within Baltimore District for a variety of projects. The team has additional contractual options through other Corps of Engineers contract vehicles, as needed.

Expand List item 3396Collapse List item 3396  Experience

Our team of in-house health physicists and related environmental and engineering professionals has decades of experience working on a broad array of programs:

· Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program

    o    WR Grace, Baltimore, MD

    o    DuPont Chambers Works, Deepwater, NJ

    o    Colonie Interim Storage Site, Colonie, NY

    o    Shpack Landfill, Attleboro, MA

· Army Reactor Program

    o    Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD

    o    Diamond Ordnance Radiation Facility,

    o    Forest Glen Annex of WRAMC, MD

    o    SM-1A Deactivated Nuclear Reactor, Fort Belvoir, VA

    o    SM-1A Deactivated Nuclear Reactor, Fort Greely, AK

    o    STURGIS MH-1A Deactivated Nuclear Reactor

· Superfund Sites/CERCLA Actions

    o    Welsbach/GGM, Camden, NJ

    o    Safety Light, Bloomsburg, PA

    o    Savannah River Site, Aiken, SC

    o    Oak Ridge Reservation, Oak Ridge, TN

· Base Realignment and Closure sites

    o    Fort Monmouth, NJ

    o    Walter Reed Army Medical Center, DC and Forest Glen Annex of WRAMC, MD

    o    Fort Gillem, GA

    o    Fort McPherson, GA

· Defense Environmental Restoration Program - Formerly Used Defense Sites

· Operational Dredging

· Depleted Uranium

    o    Support on active Army ranges in the U.S., where historical records indicated use of depleted uranium

    o    Support to U.S. Central Command and Army Central Command to retrieve depleted uranium in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait

· Radium

    o    Working with Department of the Army to determine impacts of the radium rule on Department of Defense installation

Expand List item 3397Collapse List item 3397  Additional Expertise

Members of HP Team Baltimore have the following certifications: CHP/PE/PMP. The team also has access to the full range of expertise found in the Corps of Engineers, including the Baltimore District’s Environmental and Munitions Design Center which includes: Risk Assessors, Chemists, Industrial Hygienists, Environmental and Chemical Engineers, Physical Scientists, and Ordnance & Explosives Safety Specialists.