The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ (USACE) Institute for Water Resources (IWR) just released a report on the use of a multilateral Shared Vision Planning (SVP) Risk-Informed pilot study within Europe’s Tisza River Basin. As part of the European Union’s (EU) Water Framework Directive, a partnership of interested river basin stakeholders (known as JOINTISZA) received EU funds to lead a river basin planning process for the Tisza River, a major tributary of the Danube whose watershed is shared by five countries: Hungary, Slovakia, Ukraine, Serbia and Romania. As part of this river basin planning process, the JOINTISZA organizers wanted to test the use of USACE’s Shared Vision Planning (SVP) process in the basin by conducting a pilot on a subarea of the basin (the Tisza-Körös-Valley common water management system or TIKEVIR) that focuses on flood risk management and considers climate change impacts.