News Stories

Tag: dredging
  • April

    Breaking ground: U.S. Army Corps and Port of Virginia Spearhead Major Atlantic Ocean Channel Deepening

    Armed with shovels in hand, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Norfolk District along with its partners, Virginia Port Authority and City of Virginia Beach broke ground during a ceremony for the commencement of the Atlantic Ocean Channel Phase II on Thursday, April 25, celebrating the commencement of construction for the final Norfolk Harbor Deepening contract along with the upcoming beach nourishment projects at Resort and Croatan Beaches in Virginia Beach.
  • January

    USACE, Newport News Set Date to Begin Deep Creek Navigation Channel Dredging

    In partnership with the City of Newport News, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Norfolk District has set a date to begin dredging the Deep Creek Navigation Channel.
  • September

    Norfolk Harbor deepening project advances with critical contract award

    On the heels of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law earlier this year, the Norfolk Harbor and Channels Improvement Project’s federal sponsor, Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, announced more good news.
  • January

    Norfolk District receives $328M in federal funds from Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

    Last week, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works announced the work plans for two recently enacted laws — the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act; and the 2022 Disaster Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act– which will provide the Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers with an additional $328 million for fiscal year 2022.
  • October

    Army Corps of Engineers districts revitalize Ocean City inlet

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District’s, Hopper Dredge MURDEN conducted 24/7 dredging operations at an inlet near Ocean City, Maryland, during September 2021. The ongoing Ocean City Inlet federal navigation channel and Assateague Bypass dredging efforts enhance safe navigation conditions, boost commercial endeavors, and promote recreational activities for travelers. The USACE Baltimore District routinely receives services from the Wilmington District’s MURDEN or its sister ship CURRITUCK for routine dredging in and around the Inlet. The Baltimore District manages the Ocean City Inlet federal navigation channel and Assateague Bypass project while the Wilmington District staffs, trains and equips these special-purpose dredges that work up and down the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, dredging similar inlets or near-shore coast projects.
  • August

    From the Wicomico River to Deal Island

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, and several local, state and federal agencies have been partnering up to find a new placement site on the eastern shore of Maryland for material dredged from the Wicomico River. After extensive research and evaluation, USACE and partners agreed on the Deal Island Wildlife Management Area in Somerset County to hold the material and also provide beneficial long-term environmental benefits.
  • April

    Memphis District Hurley: Thawed out and ready to dredge

    During most off seasons, maintaining the Hurley takes a few months and a couple of crews to get everything done. This off-season was a bit different, as unexpected weather posed more obstacles than usual. Much of the south, including Memphis, Tennessee, was hit hard with frigid temperatures in mid-February this year. The last time Memphians experienced weather like this was in 1994.  From frozen pipes to no electricity, many people and structures were impacted by the icy weather, including the district’s Dredge Hurley.
  • Project profile: the District's biggest projects

    The Charleston District has had many influential projects over the last 150 years that continue to have an impact today. At the same time, the District is currently working on hundreds of different projects throughout Charleston, the state of South Carolina and the entire southeast. While all these projects will have a great impact on those around them, here are a few projects currently in the works that will have massive impacts on the region.
  • March

    Associated General Contractors of America Event a success

    The Mississippi Valley Associated General Contractors of America (MVAGC) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi Valley Division (MVD) met for an event known as the Mississippi Valley Construction Roundtable, which was held in downtown Memphis, Tennessee, this year on Feb. 18 and 19. “The meeting between the Mississippi Valley Branch of the AGC and Mississippi Valley Division of the Corps of Engineers offers an opportunity for staff from the division headquarters and six districts to interact with our contracting partners who help us deliver our program,” Construction Branch Chief Jim Wolff said. “Through two key meetings (the Dredging Issues Roundtable and the Construction Specifications Session Roundtable), open communication, and frank discussion, we identify issues or problems related to dredging, construction, and contracting. These meetings offer member contractors an open forum to develop potential solutions to solve issues or problems.”
  • January

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers tests artificial-intelligence tool for monitoring water quality and oceanographic conditions at Port Everglades

    Large-scale coastal dredging projects have the potential to add stress to coral reef communities in surrounding areas, especially if impacts are undetected or fail to be detected in time.
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers uses artificial-intelligence tool to monitor dredging projects at Port Everglades in near real-time

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District uses forecasting tool in partnership with other federal agencies to safely monitor dredging operations throughout the region.
  • Critical study to help Port of Baltimore meet vessel needs

    With its existing 50-foot deep channel and Neo-Panamax cranes, the Port of Baltimore is already able to accommodate some of the largest container ships in the world, and has experienced significant growth in containers in recent years. Baltimore District is teaming up with the Maryland Port Administration to ensure future capacity needs are met.
  • December

    U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center assists Kansas City Corps with hydrodynamic dredge

    In a demonstration of collaboration and innovation, the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center deployed an experimental asset and team of experts to the Missouri River in the Kansas City District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, to assist in dredging shallow areas called shoals in the navigation river channel.
  • Hurley docked after another successful dredging season

    After almost eight months of dredging the Mississippi River, the Dredge Hurley and crew are now home where the Hurley is docked at Ensley Engineer Yard for some much-needed repairs and maintenance.
  • August

    A look back: Williams' 30+ years of service

    "If you walk around this vessel, chances are you will find him working somewhere around here, even when he is off the watch," Dredge Hurley Assistant Master Tim Tucker said. "We sometimes have to make him stop to go to his room to relax after a long day. If some of the kids coming out of high school these days would show up with half of the work ethic that he has, we would really get a lot more done." Tucker is describing Curtis Williams, who is also known by many on the dredge as "Lil Wolf". Williams is the Dredge Hurley's ship keeper and has been with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for a little more than 30 years.
  • July

    Corps continues legacy of dredging at Port of Alaska

    All summer long, a crimson and white boat moves back and forth through the waters near the Port of Alaska collecting silt, sand and gravel off the seafloor to allow vessels to navigate the harbor in Anchorage. The boat is a dredging vessel called the Westport, operated by Manson Construction of Seattle, Wash., which the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Alaska District contracted to maintain the mooring areas for the past three years.
  • June

    Harbor dredging contract awarded

    Congratulations to the Harbor Dredging Project Delivery Team (PDT) for awarding the contract to dredge four local harbors: Elvis Stahr Harbor in Hickman, Ky.; Memphis Harbor-McKellar Lake and Wolf River Harbor in Memphis, Tenn.; and Helena Harbor in Phillips County, Ark.
  • May

    Army Corps Navigation Mission Part of Baltimore’s Continued Maritime Heritage

    Baltimore is historically a port city with a rich maritime history and the Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District’s navigation mission plays a large part in that continued heritage. While the District maintains over 290 miles of federal navigable channels within the Susquehanna River watershed through its navigation mission, support to the Port of Baltimore is a key aspect of that mission.
  • Army Corps Navigation Mission Part of Baltimore’s Continued Maritime Heritage

    Baltimore is historically a port city with a rich maritime history and the Army Corps of Engineers,
  • February

    Norfolk District navigation support team preps, updates inlet for dredging

    The Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers navigation team arrived at Croatan Point here early February to replace pilings and a floating dock in preparation for the next iteration of dredging.
  • Norfolk District navigation support team preps, updates inlet for dredging

    The Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers navigation team arrived at Croatan Point here early February to replace pilings and a floating dock in preparation for the next iteration of dredging.
  • January

    Memphis District: 2019 dredged up with a bang

    The Memphis District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has several missions associated with the Mississippi River. One of the most important is to keep the river channel at a depth that allows the river barge industry to dependably transport goods up and down the river. To deliver on this charge, the Memphis District awarded a contract/task order in the amount of $7,987,200 to the Inland Dredging Company in April of 2019. On Dec. 23, 2019, Inland Dredging Co. completed all work with a total of 1,289,598 cubic yards of sediment dredged from all 10 Memphis District Harbors.
  • December

    Dredging to start in Norfolk Harbor inner channels

    NORFOLK, Va. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Cottrell Contracting are set to begin dredging the Norfolk Harbor Inner Channel and channel to Newport News on Saturday.
  • Dredging to start in Norfolk Harbor inner channels

    NORFOLK, Va. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Cottrell Contracting are set to begin dredging the Norfolk Harbor Inner Channel and channel to Newport News on Saturday.
  • November

    Work to resume on Virginia Beach oceanfront project

    Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and city of Virginia Beach officials said Great Lakes Dredge & Dock LLC, the Virginia Beach Hurricane and Storm Damage Reduction Project’s contractor, intends to mobilize equipment at 68th Street and install submerged pipeline between 60th and 61st streets here this week.
  • Work to resume on Virginia Beach oceanfront project

    Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and city of Virginia Beach officials said Great Lakes Dredge & Dock LLC, the Virginia Beach Hurricane and Storm Damage Reduction Project’s contractor, intends to mobilize equipment at 68th Street and install submerged pipeline between 60th and 61st streets here this week.
  • September

    Norfolk District reflects on strong year supporting state, national partners

    As the fiscal calendar nears 2020, officials at Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are working to close the books by month’s end while taking a glimpse back at the past year’s accomplishments.
  • July

    Norfolk District begins James River dredging

    NORFOLK, Va. – James River Federal Navigation Project engineers are ramping up efforts to minimize shoaling effects and improve safe navigation along Central Virginia’s winding watershed. Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Cottrell Contracting Corp. commenced maintenance dredging Sunday in the 7.6-mile Dancing Point-Swann Point channel.
  • Norfolk District begins James River dredging

    NORFOLK, Va. – James River Federal Navigation Project engineers are ramping up efforts to minimize shoaling effects and improve safe navigation along Central Virginia’s winding watershed. Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Cottrell Contracting Corp. commenced maintenance dredging Sunday in the 7.6-mile Dancing Point-Swann Point channel.
  • June

    Norfolk District awards $20.3 million contract for Sandbridge Beach storm protection

    Although not even officially summer, the city of Virginia Beach and Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are already preparing for winter. The district has awarded the Sandbridge Hurricane Protection and Beach Renourishment project contract to Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Company.