News Stories

Tag: wilmington district
  • September

    Periodic Inspection and Periodic Assessment of Island Creek Dam

    The USACE Dam Safety Program is critical to ensuring the integrity and viability of dams so that
  • August

    Dismal Swamp Canal scheduled to reopen in September

    The Dismal Swamp Canal is scheduled to reopen to vessel traffic by the end of September, with the Lake Drummond Reservation and Feeder Ditch opening to canoes and kayaks on August 18, officials said.
  • Dismal Swamp Canal scheduled to reopen in September

    The Dismal Swamp Canal is scheduled to reopen to vessel traffic by the end of September, with the Lake Drummond Reservation and Feeder Ditch opening to canoes and kayaks on August 18, officials said.
  • October

    Wilmington District achieves National Emergency Management Accreditation

    WILMINGTON, NC - The U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, Wilmington District, just received accreditation with the Emergency Management Accreditation Program for the district’s compliance with 64 national standards in emergency management programs and practices.
  • September

    Currituck rescues stranded boater from James River

    The crew found a man, soaked and shivering in the 64-degree night.
  • June

    Corps begins Rudee Inlet dredging

    The Army Corps of Engineers will begin dredging the Rudee Inlet Federal Navigation Project here Monday. The Corps’ dredge Merritt, based out of Wilmington, N.C., will dredge for four days to remove shoaling in the channel. Engineers expect to dredge about 20,000 cubic yards of material, which will be placed directly north of the entrance channel and inlet jetties. The $78,000 project is 72 percent federally funded. Virginia Beach will fund the remaining 28 percent.
  • April

    Going Green: Sustainable coastal North Carolina tidal marsh still thriving after 16 years

    In 1996 Wilmington District biologists and engineers, with help from other North Carolina resource agencies, designed and constructed a former dredged material disposal island to offset impacts from construction of the Army Reserve Center in Morehead City, and turned it into a thriving coastal tidal marsh. Sixteen years later the marsh is a sustainable ecosystem that has exceeded the Corps' goals and expectations.
  • November

    Corps completes emergency dredging of Rudee Inlet

    Rudee Inlet, a man-made inlet sited along one of Virginia Beach’s most dynamic shorelines, was recently dredged as a result of shoaling from Hurricane Sandy.