News Stories

Tag: sustainability
  • April

    Going Green: Rare mushrooms discovered after prescribed burn

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers botanists discovered a new site for the rare Pruitt's Amanita mushroom at Fern Ridge Reservoir west of Eugene, Ore., recently. Soils and botany student intern Leanna Van Slambrook spotted some white mushrooms popping out of the charred, soggy ground on the southwest side of the reservoir after a prescribed burn and remembered that a rare Amanita had been found after a burn a few years back.
  • Going Green: USACE LA District continues innovative partnership

    LAKE HAVASU, Ariz. -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District has helped develop a strong partnership at Alamo Dam and along the Bill Williams River to continue sustaining our nation's economic and water resources. "Originally, the dam's functions were flood control, water conservation and recreation," said Rene Vermeeren, the LA District's chief of Hydrology/Hydraulics Branch.
  • Army Corps of Engineers helps build 'green' military installation of future

    SACRAMENTO, Calif.-- Army and sustainability? Using those two words in the same sentence several years ago would have probably been considered the punch line to a joke. But today, a military base that is both environmentally friendly and meets the needs of warfighters, is quickly becoming a reality.
  • March

    Going Green: Corps hydropower is clean, reliable, efficient, flexible, renewable and sustainable

    WALLA WALLA, Wash. -- In the Pacific Northwest, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers produces significant hydroelectric power for the nation at its dams on the Columbia and Snake rivers. Hydroelectric power is clean, reliable, efficient, flexible, renewable and sustainable. The Corps of Engineers is the Nation's largest producer of hydropower, and one of the largest in the world.
  • Going Green: Protecting our Great Lakes from the invasive Asian carp

    "Working with our partners to protect our national treasures, our Great Lakes, from aquatic nuisance species is critical," said U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Chicago District Commander Col. Frederic A. Drummond Jr. "The Corps mission is about sustaining our water resources, sustaining our communities and sustaining our nation's economic resources."
  • November

    Building green: Corps of Engineers explores overseas LEED alternative

    WIESBADEN, Germany -- Think global, act local. The phrase, popularized in the 1970s on the back bumpers of hippies' Volkswagens and on the front of their T-shirts, has evolved through the years and taken on a wider meaning. The slogan is used by urban planners, environmentalists, government officials and business executives to describe a global mindset with a local focus.
  • October

    Bostick discusses USACE, energy sustainability at conference

    Sustainability is an umbrella concept that deals with increasing the Army’s effectiveness by reducing its use of energy and impact to the climate and environment. Bostick spoke about the Corps’ efforts to support the Army Energy Initiatives.