BALTIMORE, Md. — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District recently launched a mobile App to enhance the way visitors are able to access important information about district flood control and recreation projects, navigation, contracting opportunities, and water safety.
The mobile App for Android users conveniently displays lake levels, precipitation data, map locations, weather forecasts and recreation activities needed to enjoy a day of boating, camping, swimming, picknicking, geocaching and walking trails in the district. The towing industry, anglers, boaters and paddlers now have the latest stage and flow rates for their favorite rivers and creeks on their Android or tablet. Additionally, visitors can even use the new App to make campground reservations from the palm of their hand through
“The Baltimore District’s App is designed to better support our visitors in planning their next America’s Great Outdoors adventure,” said Col. Trey Jordan, district commander. “It’s a great, easy way to find information for a day or overnight trip to one of our outstanding sites across four states.”
The Baltimore District regulates 17 reservoirs in the State of Maryland, West Virginia, New York and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. These reservoirs combined have prevented more than $3 billion in flood damages since their inception, and enhance their local economies by more than $90 billion annually through visitor spending and job creation.
To find the Baltimore District’s free mobile App for an Android operating system, go to or search “Baltimore District” in the Google Play Store®. For an Apple iOS system, a non-native version of this App can be accessed at
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