CONCORD, Mass. – Improvement dredging of portions of the Boston Harbor Federal Navigation Project main ship channel in Boston, Mass., will be conducted under the terms of a $122,223,000.00 contract issued recently by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District.
Work will be accomplished by Cashman/Dutra, Joint Venture of Quincy, Mass. The contract was awarded on Feb. 15, 2018. The dredging is expected to take approximately three years to complete to deepen the project to its newly authorized depths. Dredging is anticipated to start in the spring of 2018.
The dredging project is to accommodate large container ships that are calling on the U.S. east coast now that the Panama Canal improvements are completed.
Approximately 11.7 million cubic yards of silt, blue clay, till and weathered rock will be dredged to improve the following components of the Boston Harbor Federal Navigation Project: deepening and widening the Broad Sound North Channel to -51 feet Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW); deepening and widening the Main Ship Channel to the Conley Terminal, including the turning basin to -47 feet MLLW; and deepening the President Roads Anchorage and deepening the lower Reserved Channel to -47 feet MLLW.
The material dredged will be placed at the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site (MBDS) approximately 20 miles offshore of Boston Harbor, with the exception of a small fraction of the material being placed as a cap to the Main Ship Channel Confined Aquatic Disposal (CAD) cell, just downstream of the inner confluence of the Chelsea and Mystic Rivers.
For more information on the Boston Harbor federal navigation project visit the website at: A map is available at:
For more information on contract solicitations or contract awards visit the website at: For general information visit the website at: The website for information on Small Business opportunities is:
Release no. 18-019