CONCORD, Mass. – Most recreation areas at the 31 federal flood risk management reservoirs in New England operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District will open to the public in mid-to-late May 2017. Some recreation areas in Connecticut will open in late April.
The Corps of Engineers recreation program provides quality outdoor public recreation experiences to serve the needs of present and future generations and contributes to the quality of American life, while managing and conserving natural resources consistent with ecosystem management principles.
Most areas offer a wide-range of recreational opportunities, including picnicking, swimming, boating, fishing and hunting, while a few also provide facilities for overnight camping, according to officials with the U. S. Army Engineers, New England District, with headquarters in Concord, Mass.
Fishing is permitted at all federal flood risk management reservoirs in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont. The only requirement to fish the lakes is a state license and adherence to state regulations. Trout, bass, pickerel, hornpout and perch inhabit most reservoirs, while a few areas have their own specialties. Many of the areas are stocked by state fish and game agencies to provide some of the finest fishing in the region.
Developed facilities, including beaches, picnic areas, athletic fields and campgrounds, are available at some locations. Many are open to individuals or small groups free of charge on a first come, first serve basis. A nominal fee is charged to reserve covered picnic shelters. Large groups may be required to obtain user permits for a small fee. Some areas collect a user fee from the weekend before Memorial Day to the weekend after Labor Day.
For a free brochure about 2017 Corps recreational opportunities in New England, including directions to each site, write to the New England District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, ATTN: Public Affairs Office, 696 Virginia Road, Concord, MA 01742-2751. For more information about Corps of Engineers recreation and activities in New England visit the website at:
The Corps of Engineers nationwide manages 12 million acres of recreation lands and waters in 43 states and hosts approximately 370 million visitors a year. For more information on Corps of Engineers recreation nationwide visit the website at