Army Corps New York District Completes Deal N.J. Coastal Project

Published Dec. 22, 2016

On December 12, 2016, the Army Corps New York District completed the final initial construction of the beach berm under the Elberon to Loch Arbour reach and the overall 21 mile Sandy Hook to Barnegat Inlet, NJ project between Sea Bright Manasquan that started in 1994. Construction of the outfall pipe extensions will continue until June 2017.

"This project provides much needed beach erosion control and storm risk reduction to coastal communities in New Jersey and is another example of excellent teamwork between the State, local municipalities and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to increase resiliency on the New Jersey shore," said Col. David Caldwell, Commander, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District. 
"The project's success can be attributed to willingness of our partners and the public to support the project and work with us to see this through to completion.” 

The Corps has another project in place to conduct a full sweep of the placed sand to ensure no small munitions that were previously discovered remain.  The beach screening is taking place in Loch Arbour, Allenhurst, and parts of Deal. This will continue through February 2017 and the shore will be ready for visitors by the Spring.  The Army Corps is 100% committed to the safety of the local and visiting beachgoers.

In September 2015, this contract was awarded and construction began along a stretch of beach between Phillips Avenue in Deal and Lake Takanassee in Elberon. It was the second contract for the Elberon to Loch Arbour Reach of the Sandy Hook to Barnegat Inlet Beach Erosion Control project that involved sand placement beach fill, modification of existing outfalls and modification of an existing groin.

The work was part of the post-Sandy storm resiliency effort and the Sandy Hook to Barnegat Inlet Beach Erosion Control Project and a testament to the Corps' ongoing commitment in making New Jersey’s coastal communities more resilient. 

It was 100 percent federally funded through the 2013 Disaster Relief Appropriations Act (PL113-2), often referred to as the Hurricane Sandy Relief Bill.  

The scope of the work was accomplished by Manson Construction Company and also consisted of construction of a beach berm, groin and an outfall modification. Periodic beach nourishment will continue under this project until 2047 subject to the availability of Federal and State/local funding.

It will increase resiliency and reduce risk from storm damage on the New Jersey shore in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy and will provide additional beach erosion control and storm risk reduction to this coastal area.

In January 2015, the first of two contracts was awarded to reconstruct beaches, stormwater outfalls and implement modifications to existing groins from Elberon to Loch Arbour.



Office of Public Affairs

Release no. 16-019