Quick Facts

Published Aug. 6, 2012

Civil Works boundaries

  • All or parts of 14 States (plus DC):  ME, NH, VT, MA, RI, CT, NY, NJ, PA, MD, VA, DC, WV, NC
  • 33 projects authorized by Congress
  • 10 Continuing Authority projects
  • 8 River Basins
  • 2 Major Bays
  • 5 Federal Canals
  • 16,700 miles of Shoreline

Military boundaries

  • 13 states (plus DC): ME, NH, VT, MA, RI, CT, NY, NJ, PA, MD, VA, DC, WV
  • 50 major Army installations 
  • 13 major Air Force installations
  • Regional Resources
  • Fiscal Year 2011 workforce: 3,500 civilian, 29 military 
  • Combined annual budget: $4.8 billion (FY12 estimate)
  • Civil workload: $650 million
  • Military workload: $3.6 billion
  • Environmental: $570 million
  • Fiscal Year 2011 $1.1 billion in small business awards


  • 11 states served by ports & waterways in NAD’s area
  • Boston, Portland Harbors: Nation’s Top Port for Foreign Waterborne Commerce
  • Port of NY and NJ: East Coast’s Largest Container Port
  • Port of Philadelphia: World’s Largest Fresh Water Port
  • Baltimore Harbor: Nation’s Top Port for Roll-on / Roll-off Cargo
  • Norfolk Harbor : Nation’s Largest Coal Export Port   



  • 34.9 percent of U.S. waterborne tonnage handled through ports in NAD’s area
  • 800 million tons handled by ports & waterways in NAD’s area

Ports and Harbors

  • Material dredged: 14.2 million cubic yards
  • One hopper dredge: McFarland (3,149 CY capacity, in Ready Reserve status)
  • 18 Survey Boats
  • 8 Patrol Boats 
  • 4 Tugs
  • 8 Drift Debris Collection Vessels
  • 50+ Other Floating Plant

Flood Risk Management Projects

  • 53 Dams owned and operated (Average Age: 51 years old)
  • 63 miles of levees and channels (Average Age: 52 years old)
  • Federal levees built or controlled by Corps in NAD AOR: ~263 miles
  • 22 Storm & Hurricane Barriers
  • 8 high-rise bridges
  • Average annual damages prevented by NAD projects (2000-2011): $754M


  • 260 recreation sites at 51 Corps projects
  • 11.9 million visits in Fiscal Year 2011
  • 34 boat ramps
  • 2,095 campsites / 1,950 picnic sites
  • 155,100 acres used for recreation
  • 540 miles of shoreline / 350 miles of trails
  • $197M spent by visitors within 30 miles of Corps projects (FY11)
  • 2,600 jobs (full or part time) supported by visitation
  • 3,095 volunteers at Corps projects
  • 51,928 volunteer hours worked
  • $1.1M value of volunteer labor

Water Supply

  • 7 lakes owned/operated by NAD districts
  • 40.7 billion gallons of lake storage contracted to 4 municipal authorities and 1 industrial firm  

Washington Aqueduct

  • Municipalities served: District of Columbia, Arlington County, and City of Falls Church
  • Population served:  1 million
  • Municipal production capacity:  141million gallons/day (annual average)


  • $447 million total environmental program (FY11)
  • $197 million Superfund projects
  • $52 million FUSRAP
  • $70 million FUDS  

Regulatory Programs

  • 10,826 permits decisions issued
  • 691 “No Permit Required” determinations
  • 24 permits denied
  • 95 percent of minor permits completed within 60 days
  • 9,787 jurisdictional determinations
  • 72 approved mitigation banks 

Emergency Response

  • 7 major disasters responded to in 2011 
  • NAD civilians deployed in 2011: 
    • §  Support to Overseas Contingency Operations: 231

    • §  Support to Pakistan: 1 NAB

    • §  Support to NAD events: 401