DESCRIPTION: The purpose of the Nassau County Back Bays feasibility study is to investigate potential ways to reduce the risk to people, critical infrastructure, and businesses caused by coastal storms such as Hurricane Sandy, which caused widespread damage on the south shore of Nassau County. The study area includes communities in the Town of Hempstead and Town of Oyster Bay located within southern Nassau County, as well as the City of Long Beach, that front Hewlett Bay, Middle Bay, Jones Bay, South Oyster Bay, and connected creeks, channels, and minor waterbodies (the "Nassau County Back Bays").
AUTHORIZATION: Authorization for the study is provided by Public Law (P.L.) 84-71, approved June 15, 1955, which calls for, “…an examination and survey to be made of the eastern and southern seaboard of the United States with respect to hurricanes, with particular reference to areas where severe damages have occurred. Such survey, to be made under the direction of the Chief of Engineers, shall include the securing of data on the behavior and frequency of hurricanes, and the determination of methods of forecasting their paths and improving warning services, and of possible means of preventing loss of human lives and damages to property, with due consideration of the economics of proposed breakwaters, seawalls, dikes, dams, and other structures, warning services, or other measures which might be required.”
Additional study authorization, passed by the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure on April 5, 2006, Docket 2754, authorizes the study of, “…storm damage reduction, navigation, ecosystem restoration, and related purposes on areas of Long Beach Island, New York, affected by tidal inundation from Reynolds Channel, Hempstead Bay, and other connected waterways.”
STATUS: In response to the destruction caused by Hurricane Sandy, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) New York District, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC), and Nassau County have partnered to investigate ways to reduce coastal storm risk along the south shore of Nassau County. As of April 2017, the study team is working to scope out the study, and will start an analysis of potential risk reduction measures and alternative plans. The team will look into the feasibility of a number of measures, which includes but is not limited to storm surge barriers, bulkheads, floodwalls, levees, seawalls, shoreline stabilization, storm water improvements, beach nourishment, living shorelines, wetland restoration, and the elevation, flood proofing, and/or relocation of structures.
Mr. Mark Lulka
Project Manager
USACE New York District
Phone: 917-790-8205
Current as of April 2017