Army Corps and contractor teams have made significant progress on temporary mitigation measures related to the basin areas between the bulkheads and the newly constructed dune in Margate. These areas were put in place to accommodate Margate's storm water management system; however water did not percolate as anticipated after heavy rainfall events.
Contractors have been adding sand to these areas to raise the elevation as part of a temporary engineering solution. This work took place through the weekend of Aug. 12-13 and will continue. The Army Corps set up a procedure for testing water quality for water that collects in these areas. Pumps remain onsite and will be used if 4 inches or more of water collects in these areas. Construction of elevated walkways will continue.
The Army Corps will continue to work with our sponsor, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, and the City of Margate to assist them with long-term storm water management solutions.
The dredge BE Lindholm is expected to resume dredging and beachfill operations on Aug. 14.